This is why Your Voice Is Trashed. Really. 10 Things To Stop!

All Things Vocal Podcast - A podcast by Judy Rodman


This is the audio version of the blogpost you can find at Today's topic: Why Your Voice is Trashed. Listen to this podcast episode to learn 10 things to stop doing in order to stop tiring, trashing and possibly damaging your voice! This podcast is now playing at iTunes , Google Play,  TuneIn Radio, . Subscribe and don't miss an episode... and please leave a review where you like to listen! REVIEWS ARE MUCH NEEDED and APPRECIATED! If you’d like help with vocal fatigue, health or recovery, or any other vocal matter, try Power, Path and Performance vocal training, available at in vocal lessons and on CD courses.   Subjects covered in this episode include these 10 things not to do: Sing on Laryngitis Pay no attention to the weather Drink dehydrating caffeinated or alcoholic beverages Scream Sing songs that are too high for you Push more breath for vocal power Offer your voice no support Perform with bad posture Talk wrong Neglect your vocal warmup before performance Links mentioned in this podcast include: Laryngitis Diaphragm Talking