Vocal Warmups... How Long Should They Be?
All Things Vocal Podcast - A podcast by Judy Rodman

This is the audio version of the blogpost you can find at AllThingsVocal.com. Today's topic is the length of vocal warmups. Listen to this podcast episode to discover how long you need to warmup to prepare your voice for studio, stage or practice room performance. This podcast is now playing at iTunes , Google Play, TuneIn Radio, . Subscribe and don't miss an episode... and please leave a review where you like to listen! REVIEWS ARE MUCH NEEDED and APPRECIATED! If you’d like help with vocal exercises including warmups and cool downs, or any other vocal matter, try Power, Path and Performance vocal training, available at www.JudyRodman.com in vocal lessons and on CD courses. Subjects covered in this episode include how long to warmup... If you've not been singing for a few days and performance is upcoming If you've been singing full voice almost every day If you've had swollen vocal cords from laryngitis or misuse If you are on a break between sets on your gig or vocal recording sessions If you aren't performing soon, or are between shows or tours Links mentioned in this podcast include: Laryngitis What to eat before you sing Power, Path and Performance Singing In The Studio