Episode 47: Does Food Allergy Increase Cardiovascular Risk?
allergytalk - A podcast by allergytalk

Welcome to another episode of Allergy Talk, a roundup of the latest in the field of Allergy and Immunology by the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology! For today’s episode we will be reviewing articles from Allergy Watch, a bimonthly publication which provides research summaries to College members from the major journals in allergy and immunology. You can also earn CME credit by listening to this podcast! For information about CME credit, head over to education.acaai.org/allergytalk. Also, make sure you check out the ACAAI Community on DocMatter where we can continue the discussion about these articles! CRISPR Gene-Editing Therapy for Hereditary Angioedema Reviewed by Samantha knox CRISPR-Cas9 In Vivo Gene Editing of KLKB1 for Hereditary Angioedema. Longhurst HJ, Lindsay K, Petersen RS, Fijen LM, Gurugama P, Maag D, Butler JS, Shah MY, Golden A, Xu Y, Boiselle C, Vogel JD, Abdelhady AM, Maitland ML, McKee MD, Seitzer J, Han BW, Soukamneuth S, Leonard J, Sepp-Lorenzino L, Clark ED, Lebwohl D, Cohn DM. CRISPR-Cas9 In Vivo Gene Editing of KLKB1 for Hereditary Angioedema. N Engl J Med. 2024 Feb 1;390(5):432-441. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2309149. PMID: 38294975. New Peanut Allergy Rare After Peanut Introduction in Infants Reviewed by Sarah Spriet Rates of New Peanut Allergy and Discontinuation Following Introduction in High-Risk Infants Banerjee A, Wood R, Dunlop J, Dantzer J, Plesa M, Togias A, Keet C. Rates of New Peanut Allergy and Discontinuation Following Introduction in High-Risk Infants. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2024 Mar;12(3):645-651.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2023.11.035. Epub 2023 Nov 29. PMID: 38036248. IgE to Food Allergens and Cardiovascular Mortality Reviewed by Gerry Lee IgE to common food allergens is associated with cardiovascular mortality in the National Health and Examination Survey and the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis Keet C, McGowan EC, Jacobs D, Post WS, Richards NE, Workman LJ, Platts-Mills TAE, Manichaikul A, Wilson JM. IgE to common food allergens is associated with cardiovascular mortality in the National Health and Examination Survey and the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2024 Feb;153(2):471-478.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2023.09.038. Epub 2023 Nov 9. PMID: 37943208; PMCID: PMC10922097. Please rate our podcast on Apple podcasts! Please give us feedback, corrections, and suggestions! Email feedback to: [email protected] You can also earn CME credit by listening to this podcast! For information about CME credit head over to education.acaai.org/allergywatch. If you want to read archived issues of Allergy Watch, head over to https://college.acaai.org/publications/allergywatch ACAAI is presenting this podcast for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice or intended to replace the judgment of a licensed physician. The College is not responsible for any claims related to procedures, professionals, products or methods discussed in the podcast, and it does not approve or endorse any products, professionals, services or methods that might be referenced. Today’s speakers have the following disclosures: Dr. Lee has been a speaker for Novartis Dr. Fineman has nothing to disclose Dr. Chow has been an advisor for Sarepta Therapeutics (relationship has ended KA)