S3E9 / Gun Violence in America / Why Blacks Need(ed) Guns / Caroline Light, Lisa Lindquist-Dorr, Nicholas Johnson

AMERICAN DIAGNOSIS with Dr. Céline Gounder - A podcast by KHN and JUST HUMAN PRODUCTIONS


The black tradition of gun ownership is as long as our nation's history. But Blacks' rights to carry guns have been challenged at every turn. What's that history? And how did it inform attitudes among Civil Rights leaders and beyond? Guests: Nicholas Johnson, Professor of Law, Fordham University; Lisa Lindquist-Dorr, Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Social Sciences, University of Alabama; Caroline Light, Senior Lecturer of Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality, Harvard University. | insicknessandinhealthpodcast.com | glow.fm/insicknessandinhealth | #EndGunViolence #GunViolence #GVP #GunSafety #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #Suicide #SuicidePrevention #MeansMatter #Instrumentality #SelfDefense #ERPO #ExtremeRiskProtectionOrder #RedFlag #GVPO #MassShooting #IntimatePartnerViolence #DomesticViolence #EveryTown #MomsDemandAction #MomsDemand #StudentsDemandAction #StudentsDemand #MarchForOurLives #BradyCampaign #FamilyFire #Giffords #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #ThisIsOurLane #EnoughIsEnough #NeverAgain #NationalEmergency #MedHum #MedHumChat #NarrativeMedicine #HealthHumanities #SocialMedicine #SocialJustice #SDoH