Epic - You want it all *and* you can have it! Amigos: Everything Amiga 314

Amigos: Everything Amiga - A podcast by Amigos Retro Gaming

Epic is an Amiga title with a prolonged development history, complicated by early alpha releases to magazines that might have not reflected the final game. How does it hold up after all these years? 🏆 Support Boat and Aaron  Your Patreon support helps us continue to produce Amigos every week! https://www.patreon.com/amigospodcast Watch LIVE Fridays at 5:00 Eastern on https://twitch.tv/amigospodcast Check out our other shows! Our Sinclair: A ZX Spectrum Podcast https://bit.ly/oursinclair 1200XL: An Atari 8 Bit Podcast https://bit.ly/1200XL The CoCo Show: TRS-80 Color Computer Reviews: https://bit.ly/thecocoshow ARG Presents - Spotlighting the wacky and obscure world of retro! https://bit.ly/argpresents This Week in Retro: Up-to-date news for Out-of-date tech https://bit.ly/thisweekinretro News Links from the show: https://ggather.com/boatofcar/amigospodcast  Twitter:  https://twitter.com/amigosretro Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amigospodcast/ Amigos: Everything Amiga is a weekly, wacky exploration of the Amiga scene, current news, and a look at the games we all remember--even those we'd like to forget! Thanks to our sponsors!  RetroRewind.ca - Retro Computing Goodness! Amiga Addict - Britain’s best-selling Amiga Magazine! #AmigosPodcast #Amiga #Retrogaming