Amory 62 | Marty's back with some Body Love!

Amory - A podcast by Megan Bhatia


Marty's doing an Amory cameo by sharing his self-love journey via the body.  It's an incredible transformation over 7 years that I witnessed first hand. Marty is his usual vulnerable self and he shares intimate personal stories, as well as resources you can use as he did to empower yourself through your body. Want more on this topic! I interviewed Kyle as well, and recorded myself sharing my own story - both are shared on Patreon (  And, if you are ready for more self-love through your body, heart, mind and spirit, please join The Self-Love Journey - online and group experience options.  Thank you for listening to Amory Podcast. Looking for more support on your journey? Resources mentioned RAIN Method (by Tara Brach) Recognize, Allow, Investigate & Nurture Somatic Body Work Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  Books/Apps Unwinding Anxiety book and Unwinding Anxiety App Atomic Habits by James Clear The Four Hour Body - Tim Ferriss The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel Van Der Kolk A Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield Headspace App for meditation Tim Ferriss Podcast with Richard Schwartz (Internal Family Systems) --- Support this podcast: