9. I, Claudius

An A to Z of UK Television Drama - A podcast by An A to Z of UK Television Drama - Saturdays


Quinctilius Varus, where are my eagles?!?!? Andy and Martin celebrate the BBC's classic 12-part Roman epic I, Claudius, which first aired in the UK in 1976 and starred Derek Jacobi, Sian Phillips, Brian Blessed, John Hurt and George Baker. Dramatised by Jack Pulman, from two award-winning novels by Robert Graves, I Claudius has quite rightly wowed audiences for over 40 years. The series secured Jacobi and Phillips and designer Tim Harvey BAFTAs and has been shown all over the world gaining particular appreciation in the US where it was shown as part of the 'Masterpiece Theatre' strand. A tale of love, murder and intrigue, the series charts the tempestuous reigns of four Roman Emperors and the dawn of a fifth, via the writings of the most unlikely man ever to become one himself, the lame, stammering, stuttering Claudius. Andy and Martin choose their favourite scenes and performances, go back to Graves' novels to see what Pulman missed out and even dig out some 1st Century quotes from Roman historians Tacitus and Suetonius. They also inevitably discuss that one legendary missing clip that everyone is convinced they've seen. Get that thar toga on and get yersel down t'Forum! Next Time: Jonathan Creek