The Health Pulse S2E3: Eradicating Disparities in Cancer Care with Social Determinants of Health Data

The Health Pulse - A podcast by SAS - Tuesdays


On this episode, Greg Horne talks with Dr. Robert Winn, Director of VCU Massey Cancer Center. In his role and his life, Dr. Winn focuses on two goals – eradicating cancer and removing disparities in access to quality health care. Dr. Winn is a national thought leader on using social determinant of health data to inform cancer epidemiology and increase access to quality treatment for all it. It’s a simple credo that isn't easy to put into action due to historical and structural barriers. Trust and affordability play a critical role in patient engagement. As he explains, in order to earn people’s trust in science, the scientific and medical community must be trustworthy, reliable and consistent.