An Interview with John Prunskis MD
AnesthesiaExam Podcast - A podcast by David Rosenblum, MD
Claim CME To reflect on this podcast and claim 1 AMA Category 1 CME Credit. Click Here Dr. Rosenblum Interviews John V. Prunskis, MD. Thank You Dr. John Prunskis! Dr. Prunskis is the CEO/Medical Director of Illinois Pain & Spine Institute, Medical Director/Principal DxTXPain and Spine, honorary Consulate of Lithuania, Clinical Professor, Chicago Medical School, Former Presidential Appointee/Health and Human Services(HHS), co-author of "Best Practices Pain Task Force Final Report", and Twelve time winner Castle-Connoly ‘Top Doctor’. Dr. Prunskis has been invited to the White House by the Obama administration twice and the Trump administration 3 times, and has dedicated a significant amount of his time advocating for pain management patients and the physicians who take care of them. Ultrasound Training Workshop Advanced Ultrasound Guided Regional Injections CME Course for ANES, EM, PMR, Orthopedics, and Neurologists- 4 CME Credits! Podcast Resources: Dr. David Rosenblum and Dr. John Prunskis Ads By PainExam Ad Network- New Updates- New 1 on 1 Training Service! New Hospital and Medical Network Group Training Program! Exclusive Dr/Medical Professional affiliate program! Leverage Your Social Network! PainExam "Complete" Complete CME Course now available! Subscribe to the AnesthesiaExam mailing list! * indicates required Email Address * Download the PainExam Official Apps for Android and IOS Devices! Follow PainExam- Ads By PainExam Ad Network-