Post Operative Pain after Shoulder Replacement: Peri-operative Ablation?

AnesthesiaExam Podcast - A podcast by David Rosenblum, MD


 Dr. Rosenblum describes a patient with chronic shoulder pain who failed shoulder replacement, steroid injections, nerve blocks, cryotherapy, and peripheral nerve stimulation of the axillary and suprascapular nerve block.  In this podcast, he discusses his perfomance of Shoulder Radiofrequency Ablation targeting the articular branches of the suprascapular nerve, axillary nerve, nerve to subscapularis and lateral pectoral nerve.   Reference:   Other Announcements from NRAP Academy: PainExam App almost ready  Pain Management Board Prep migrated to AnesthesiaExam Board Prep migrated to PMRExam Board Prep migrated to   Live Workshop Calendar Ultrasound Interventional Pain Course Registration      For Anesthesia Board Prep Click Here!