Welcome to the Anthropology in Business Podcast with Matt Artz

Anthropology in Business with Matt Artz - A podcast by Matt Artz

Welcome to the introductory episode of the Anthropology in Business podcast, where you will learn about the many ways anthropology is applied in business and why business anthropology is one of the most effective lenses for making sense of organizations and consumers. I am Matt Artz, a business anthropologist specializing in design anthropology and working at the intersection of product management, user experience, and business strategy.I've started this podcast because anthropology is one of the most effective lenses for making sense of organizations and consumers, and yet, it's one of the least adopted.As business anthropologists, we know that applying the methods and theories of anthropology to business can help us improve our organizational culture, understand our consumers, innovate products and services, and design a business strategy that is differentiated and sustainable.Unfortunately, the discipline has historically encountered two issues.First, we have a supply problem since most academic programs are not training anthropologists to work in business. Likewise, many lack a firm understanding of the potential business roles and how to make the transition.Second, we have a demand problem because business leaders often lack an understanding of what anthropology is, how it's applied to business, and why they should hire anthropologists as consultants and employees.To address these issues, I've started this podcast as a form of public anthropology to help other anthropologists transition from academia to business and to increase our media visibility.I hope you all find this podcast helpful, and most importantly, I hope it can help grow our brand.About the Anthropology in Business PodcastThe Anthropology in Business podcast is for anthropologists and business leaders interested in learning more about the many ways anthropology is applied in business and why business anthropology is one of the most effective lenses for making sense of organizations and consumers. It is hosted by Matt Artz (https://mattartz.me), a business anthropologist specializing in design anthropology and working at the intersection of product management, user experience, and business strategy. To learn more about the Anthropology in Business podcast, please visit the website (https://www.mattartz.me/podcasts/anthropology-in-business-podcast/).