Apple Announcements from WWDC

Anything But Idle - A podcast by Ray Sidney-Smith and Augusto Pinaud Apple Announcements from WWDC and the Productivity and Technology News of the Week. Each week, Ray Sidney-Smith ( and Augusto Pinaud ( review and provide commentary on the week's news in the world of personal productivity and related technologies. (If you’re reading this in a podcast directory/app, please visit for clickable links and the full show notes and transcript of this cast.) Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening! If you'd like to continue discussing any news from this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post). In this Cast | Apple Announcements from WWDC Ray Sidney-Smith Augusto Pinaud Headlines & Show Notes | Apple Announcements from WWDC Resources we mention, including links to them, will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context. Headlines Part A * If You’re Not Getting Better, You’re Getting Worse  * There Is a Good Way To Make a To-Do List and There is a Better Way * How to Address Productivity Paranoia * Start Each Week With This Digital Decluttering Method Headlines Part B * Google can search for books in your local library * Google Workspace gains passkey support * Remarkable revises the PDF experience and a robust highlighting system * The Best Magic Keyboard & Apple Pencil Alternative * Hands-on: Are these budget iPad accessories viable alternatives to Apple’s own offerings? * Apple bought the AR company behind the tech in Nintendo’s ‘Mario Kart’ ride * Apple Acquires AR Headset Firm Mira Behind Mario Kart Ride at Super Nintendo