David Barnhard, co-host of SubClub by RevenueCat

AppForce1: news and info for iOS app developers - A podcast by Jeroen Leenarts

This episode I am talking to David Barnhard from the SubClub podcast.Interviewing a fellow podcaster is always a blast. Not much audio cleanup todo once done.David runs the SubClub podcast for RevenueCat. I reached out to David months ago and only just now did we get to a recording session. So this was set in motion long before the sponsorship a few weeks ago became a thing.Make sure to check David's app business called Contrast as well.RunwayPut your mobile releases on autopilot and keep the whole team in sync throughout. More info on runway.team Lead Software Developer Learn best practices for being a great lead software developer.Support the showRate me on Apple Podcasts. Send feedback on SpeakPipeOr contact me on Mastodon: https://hachyderm.io/@appforce1Support my podcast with a monthly subscription, it really helps.My book: Being a Lead Software Developer

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