Writing Multiple Languages
In this episode of Around the Campfire: A Writing Workshop, Levi and Jackson dive deeper into writing novels, exploring flashbacks and writing multiple languages, all while avoiding character descriptions. Does Levi need to get into Conglanging? Does Jackson need to slow his pace? Find out on this week's episode of Dragon bal...er...I mean...Around the Campfire!They also finally found a way to wrap up the episodes- by talking about whatever they want, like usual. BUT now it's a segment and therefore much more official.Check out Campfire Blaze:https://www.campfiretechnology.com/blaze/If you want us to workshop your work on the podcast, submit it here: https://www.campfiretechnology.com/submit/Thanks for all the submissions! We obviously can't cover all of them on the pod, so sorry if we don't get to yours.--Show Notes & Manuscripts--This Episode: http://bit.ly/ATCShowNotesLevi's Manuscript: http://bit.ly/LeviBookJackson's Manuscript: http://bit.ly/JacksonBook-- Social Media--Campfire Twitter: https://twitter.com/campfiretechllcDiscord: https://discordapp.com/invite/6dTUvx3Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/campfiretechnologyllcSteam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/965480/Campfire_Pro/Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CampfireTechnology/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/campfiretechllc/Levi's Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeviJohnson42Jackson's Twitter: https://twitter.com/SwagXMcNasty--Affiliate Links--ProWritingAid: https://prowritingaid.com/?afid=9308A powerful spell checker and style editor that works wherever you do your writing!Bookshop: https://bookshop.org/shop/CampfireTechnologySupport local, independent bookstores (and Campfire Technology) by buying books on our Bookshop page.