#14 GAFPA (BE), Arquitetura Entre Vistas ABROAD

Arquitetura Entre Vistas ABROAD - A podcast by Ana Catarina Silva


Our 14th stop is at GAFPA (Ghent, BE) alongside Floris de Bruyn. GAFPA is recognisable for it’s pragmatic approach. But there is much more to it. Somehow, they always manage to uncover the specificity that hides behind generic approaches. It’s about “trying to make something specific with a generic tool”. For every project, a primary structure. But what is this “primary structure”? “The primary structure, when you dismantle it, it is a very pragmatic structure, but at the same time it already includes both the identity and the generosity of the gesture.” Everyday is complex enough, so “it’s important not to invent complexity”. “You just do exactly what is needed and , somehow, nothing more then that.” but this is not the same as to say that “heritage” is the only possible path to follow. “We like to compare different things in series, because we like the evolutions, the steps, the mutations, the discussions of how from one idea you step to the next. Because when you understand this logic, you can apply it yourself. When it is an isolated reference the danger is that it becomes model.” Guest: Floris de Bruyn - GAFPA (Ghent, Belgic) Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal) Upload your references to: arquiteturaentrevistas.com Instagram @arquiteturaentrevistas Follow for more thoughts on architecture.