AALP 223 – Writing and Publishing Your Book with Two Sisters Publishing

Art of Abundance with Leisa Peterson - A podcast by Leisa Peterson

My guests for Episode 223 are Catherine Greenspan and Elizabeth Atkins who together run Two Sisters Writing and Publishing.   We’re discussing the process of writing and publishing your book and what you need to know to make it a success.  Elizabeth and Catherine have both published several books of their own, as well as, ghost written books for many illuminaries.  Their experience has been invaluable to me as I considered the process of self-publishing my new book and I couldn’t hope for two more knowledgeable and heart centered mentors to help all of us navigate these waters.  Enjoy! More about Elizabeth: Elizabeth is a best-selling author, actress, TV host and award-winning journalist who uses a multimedia platform to inspire people to unlock their infinite potential and live with passion, prosperity, health and happiness. Elizabeth’s desire to empower others springs from a trailblazing matrix of colorblind love and courage from her mother, an African American and Italian judge, and her father, a former Roman Catholic priest who was English, French Canadian and Cherokee.  They taught her to challenge the status quo by writing innovative ideas to edu-tain people. More about Catherine: Catherine holds a Master of Arts degree in Writing from the University of San Francisco and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature from the University of Michigan. Catherine is a past recipient of writing grants from the Sierra Arts Foundation and the Nevada Arts Council. She has done extensive freelance writing and editing, including a recurring community-focused column, where she highlighted the work of nonprofits, as well as regular restaurant reviews, book reviews, features articles and cover stories, including an interview with Nigerian playwright and poet, Wole Soyinka, winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize in Literature. To Learn more about Two Sisters Writing and Publishing go to: www.twosisterswriting.com To join their Writing Accountability Club – CLICK HERE