17. BONUS: How To Price Your Art $$$

Artist Academy - A podcast by Andrea Ehrhardt


Along with “what kind of paint do you use,” this “how do you price your art” question is one of the top questions I get weekly on my Instagram and in the Artist Academy Facebook group. And for good reason. Pricing is difficult! Even for me still somedays. I’d say probably 90% of the projects I get I immediately think “uhhhh what am I going to charge them? What’s fair? Yet, what’s profitable?” I don’t want to crazy over charge and have my customer say no and walk away. Also, I don’t want to undercharge and be underpaid or devalue my product because I chose the wrong price in a moment of weakness. So what’s the right answer? Well, first off, I’m going to just put it out there that there is no right answer, sorry. BUT I’m going to show you the methods I use to price my mural and canvas projects. Go to www.artistacademy.co/pricingguide to download your copy of the every so popular step by step pricing guide.

