91. Student Spotlight - Hibaaq Ibrahim
Artist Academy - A podcast by Andrea Ehrhardt
This is another episode of the student spotlight series where every Monday I interview my amazing Artist Academy Advanced students to get to know them better, give them direct advice on their art business, and so I can get feedback on how to be a better teacher. This week I’m interviewing Hibaaq Ibrahim. There’s one part of this interview that really stood out to me so I wanted to get it out there first and foremost: Hibaaq wanted to learn calligraphy so she reached out to an artist in her city and asked to job shadow them. She was like, “I’ll carry your paint, whatever you need!” and the artist is now taking her under his wing to show her the ropes. I want to emphasize this tactic because I can only do so much as an online art educator. I can show you exactly how I do it, I can give you my contract, my methods, my everything and that will help you, but nothing can compare to one on one training. And if you’re thinking about reaching out to someone in your area, just do it! I have never turned down anyone who has asked to shadow me for a day. I welcome it with open arms! And then I often give them work and pay them. It is worth your time to go out and make real life connections with real life artists, not just on Instagram. It will benefit you in more ways than you know. With that, let’s get to it. Let me know what you think of this student spotlight interview with Hibaaq Ibrahim.