S3 Ep. 8 "Proof of Trauma" The Kendrick Johnson Investigation - True Crime Investigative Series
Ashes to Ash TV - A podcast by Ash

Ep 8: "Proof of Trauma" - Ashes To Ash: "The Investigation of Kendrick Johnson" - Murder or Accident? Join the Ashes to Ash team as they see inside the gym where KJ was found dead. The team also heads to Lake Mary, Florida to meet with Dr. Anderson again and to figure out additional details about his findings during KJ's 2nd and 3rd autopsies. We also chat with Kenyetta who is KJ's sister, we find out details about them growing up together and who KJ was. Kenyetta was also going to school with KJ at the time, so we interview her about her experience at Lowndes County High School in Valdosta, Georgia. Please follow us on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter @AshesToAshTV. On Facebook as Ashes to Ash True Crime. Please subscribe on our website www.AshesToAshTV.com. If you subscribe you get commercial free content, discounts on merchandise, access to episodes early, and you get to be part of our private subscriber Facebook group. All money from subscribers go right back into us trying to solve this case. Title Song was created by 8 Graves and is titled "Bones" The Ashes to Ash website www.AshesToAshTV.com was created by Second Melody www.SecondMelody.com. If you know if illegal activity involving this case, please reach out to your local law enforcement.