028. Am I Causing My Neighbor To Sin With Alcohol?

Ask Paul Tripp - A podcast by Paul David Tripp

Ask Paul Tripp is the newest podcast resource from Paul Tripp Ministries. Each week, pastor and best-selling author Dr. Paul David Tripp answers your questions about anything and everything, connecting the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life in the process. In this episode, Paul answers this question we received about alcohol: "I need your advice: our neighbor next door has invited us over for supper twice; they have provided beer and wine. They know we don’t drink, but no one seems offended. I want to have them over to our place, so do I buy beer and wine for them, do I ask them to bring their own as we normally do with company, or do we abstain from beer and wine altogether?"If you have a question you'd like to ask Paul, you can email [email protected] or submit it online at PaulTripp.com/Ask.