# 167 Talking, Connecting and Getting What You Want

Ask Women Podcast: What Women Want - A podcast by Marni Kinrys & Kristen Carney - Fridays

I have a very special episode for you today because Rich and Covino, hosts of Rich and Covino on Sirius, are in studio with us. (8.4.16) It's a special show because: 1. Rich and Covino have been dishing out dating and relationship advice for nearly 2 decades. So they are pros and give solid, actionable, kick ass advice. 2. Rich, Covino and myself talk super fast and we were able to jam in tons of topics and advice in just 54 minutes. Follow Marni and Kristen on Twitter: twitter.com/winggirlmethod twitter.com/kristencarney For more tips, tricks and advice on how to attract, date, seduce and get any girl you want go to: www.winggirlmethod.com and use coupon code: 40offcoaching and get 40% off all products and coaching from Marni. For this and other great Playboy Radio shows go to www.tunein.com/playboy