#150 Howie Mandel Reveals Secrets For A Successful Relationship

Ask Women Podcast: What Women Want - A podcast by Marni Kinrys & Kristen Carney - Fridays

What is the secret to getting and keeping a woman? Our guest Howie Mandel reveals to us how he has continued to make his wife happy for over 35 years. (Ep. 44) We also discuss: 1. How to set boundaries with women 2. How to tap into your romantic side even if you don’t think you are romantic 3. How laughing can be an aphrodisiac for women 4. How to avoid playing games but still create mystery with women 5. When to take things to the next level with a woman Follow Marni and Kristen on Twitter: https://twitter.com/winggirlmethod https://twitter.com/kristencarney For more tips, tricks and advice on how to attract, date, seduce and get any girl you want go to: http://www.winggirlmethod.com and use coupon code: 40offcoaching and get 40% off all products and coaching from Marni. For this and other great Playboy Radio shows go to http://www.playboyradio.com