#157 Ask Women And More Help A Brother Out!!
Ask Women Podcast: What Women Want - A podcast by Marni Kinrys & Kristen Carney - Fridays

This was the second episode with Omar - Funny Man on Fire Neel Nada joins us in studio for the 2nd episode of Omar’s Help A Brother Out. We find out that Omar has done very little with his online profile but looks Marni’s advice to heart and got a much needed hair cut. This week we further analyze Omar’s Online profile as well as a recent date where Omar TOTALLY messed things up. We tell him where he went wrong and how to improve his dates in the future. Follow Marni and Kristen on Twitter: twitter.com/winggirlmethod twitter.com/kristencarney For more tips, tricks and advice on how to attract, date, seduce and get any girl you want go to: www.winggirlmethod.com and use coupon code: 40offcoaching and get 40% off all products and coaching from Marni. For this and other great Playboy Radio shows go to www.tunein.com/playboy