[Ep. 194] How To Get Over Someone & Move On

Ask Women Podcast: What Women Want - A podcast by Marni Kinrys & Kristen Carney - Fridays

Getting over someone is one of the hardest things to do. That is, until you get under someone else ;-0 On this weeks episode we talk about things you can do to get over someone. Whether you were dating for a short period, a long period or not even at all, these things will help you get over a person and move on to bigger and greater. On this show we also discuss: 1. How to show someone you like them without looking needy or eager 2. What it means to LISTEN in conversation 3. How to have flowing conversation 4. What to do if you are still a virgin 5. If a feminine guy can still be seen as masculine and attractive to women And so much more! Guests: Jerry Rocha and Molly Harper This was a really fun episode and I promise you won't be disappointed when you listen! For more information from Marni go to www.winggirlmethod.com and from Kristen go to @kristencarney If you want to ask us questions that we can answer on air send them to ask@askwomenpodcast.com You can also listen to all of our p