Ep. 284 Rules, Tacts and Tips For Online/App Dating
Ask Women Podcast: What Women Want - A podcast by Marni Kinrys & Kristen Carney - Fridays

ONLINE DATING!!!! The good, the bad and the horribly ugly is over analyzed and discussed on this weeks episode. The beautiful and awesome Mara Marini, who you may know from Parks and Recreation, joins us to tell you all about what works online to get the girl. Even if you are a woman, you will love this episode. On this show we also discuss and over analyze: 1. How important looks are to women and if personality matters 2. Can you and should you facetime a woman you've never met 3. First messages women ignore and will never respond to 4. Female responses and reactions decoded AND much much more! Guest: Mara Marini - @popgloss