T.F.O.S Weekly Roundup 1696- 1709. A collection of Science Fiction Short Stories
ASN Humans Are Space Orcs , HFY and other stories - A podcast by agrosquerrilnarrates
Links This is a collection of the weeks TFOS videos from Youtube. All Stories are done with Author permission. They reserve and maintain all rights to the stories. 1696 Aldins arclightmagus 1697 No more Derai-Leaf 1698 Their specialization. ColboltSky [OC] The safest method of galactic travel Dinomyar 1699 Cleaners YoshiiiMan 1700 Explosive Problem Solving averagecakeenjoyer Barbarians British_Tea_Company 1701 [OC] Swords to Plowshares HellsKitchenSink 1702 Terran Recreation averagecakeenjoyer 1703 [OC] Humans and ethanol Wannie91 1704 [OC] Exchangeable Parts Xentaps [OC] Tit for Tat __-___----_ [OC] When I think about the humans, I don't think of war... dspeyer 1705 [OC] A Figure Painted In Grey ArgusTheCat 1706 You know a lot about where we came from except where it is... loony123 [OC] The Three Skulls of Humanity KaiDobson 1707 [OC] Hunting a Junebug __te__ 1708 Earn It Haenir The Weapon... DamagediceDM Sticks and Stones dragonson04 1709 Human subject: Szenn-churr-yeon Cysanic If you are listening to this, you are the resistance. British_Tea_Company Socials Email , Twitter , Discord Support Patreon , Paypal , Ko-Fi , Merch All Donation are welcome and much appreciated.