Meeting a Guide & Recalling That I Astral Projected as a Child!

Astral Doorway Podcast | Astral Travel, Awakening Consciousness, Meditation, Gnosis, Initiation etc. - A podcast by Gene Hart

YouTube episode: In this out of body experience, I asked a question to my guide and I not  only got an answer in the form of subtle wisdom, but was also given an  experience where I remembered that I had the ability of Astral  projection much more earlier in my life than I ever realised!  Alan Watts on 'Lila': Definition of Lila: Lila in Hinduism:,is%20integral%20to%20his%20own%20nature%E2%80%9D%20%28Sax%3A%2013%29. YouTube: Support Astral Doorway on Patreon & join my Discord group for live Q&As, guided meditations, dream interpretations, early-access episodes, news about my upcoming books, spiritual advice & more: 💛 If you enjoyed the video, please like, subscribe & share! #AstralExperience #SpiritGuide #AstralTraveler