"Should I Show My Friend Spirituality or Let Them Suffer?"

Astral Doorway Podcast | Astral Travel, Awakening Consciousness, Meditation, Gnosis, Initiation etc. - A podcast by Gene Hart

YouTube episode: https://youtu.be/7PO3_7h9sRo Along the spiritual path it's common to feel an obligation to suggest to the people around us to find their spiritual path because we've found so much happiness and wisdom ourselves and we want them to experience it too. The problem is that it's very difficult to demonstrate to others how much spirituality has helped us without them judging us because they're simply not ready to consider it in a sincere way... probably because they haven't suffered enough themselves yet! This question was asked in a live Q&A session in our Discord. Support Astral Doorway on Patreon to join the live Q&As, guided meditations, dream interpretations, early-access episodes, news about my upcoming books, spiritual advice & more: https://www.patreon.com/astraldoorway 💛 If you enjoyed the video, please like, subscribe & share! #Spirituality #Suffering #SpiritualPath