Fixed Stars in Astrology With Michael Barwick

The Synchronicity Podcast with Nadiya Shah - A podcast by Nadiya Shah

NEW Course: "Celestial Superpowers - Using the Fixed Stars in Natal Astrology" by Michael Barwick Join MIchael Barwick Each Wednesday in February & March 2021 Sign Up Soon & Get The Chance To Choose Your Tuition Rate! * Limited Scholarships Available In this five lesson course, Michael Barwick will teach how to interpret the influences of 28 fixed stars on the planets, angles, and Moon’s Nodes of a birth chart. Michael’s unique psychological and spiritual approach views the synchronicity of a significant point in a person’s horoscope being touched by a fixed star as a potential ‘superpower’ to accept or deny. Conscious acceptance means great responsibilities and having to contend with the fixed star’s agenda. Denial may result in encountering the fixed star connected to that point as external fate. Michael will provide a framework for interpreting fixed stars, interpretation principles for each fixed star, and numerous example horoscopes. Lesson 1: Reading Fixed Stars When: Wednesday February 17, 2021 at 6:00 pm EST 1- Introduction (5 minutes) 2- Defining Fixed Stars (5 minutes) 3- Fixed Stars and the Language of Astrology (20 minutes) 4- Methodology 1: Connecting Fixed Stars to the Birth Chart (5 minutes) 5- Methodology 2: How to Interpret the Influence of a Fixed Star (20 minutes) 6- Introduction to the Set of 28 Fixed Stars by Sign (15 Minutes) 7- Q&A (20 Minutes) Lesson 2: Aries, Taurus, and Gemini Fixed Stars When: Wednesday February 24, 2021 at 6:00 pm EST 1- The meaning of each star and its influence: (50 minutes) Aries: Alderamin & Alrisha Taurus: Hamal, Menkar & Algol Gemini: Aldebaran, Rigel, Capella & Betelgeuse 2- Example charts (20 minutes) 3- Q&A (20 minutes) Lesson 3: Cancer, Leo and Virgo Fixed Stars When: Wednesday March 3, 2021 at 6:00 pm EST 1- The meaning of each star and its influence: (50 minutes) Cancer: Sirius, Castor & Procyon Leo: Acubens Virgo: Regulus, Thuban & Alkes 2- Example charts (20 minutes) 3- Q&A (20 minutes) Lesson 4: Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius Fixed Stars When: Wednesday March 10, 2021 at 6:00 pm EST 1- The meaning of each star and its influence: (50 minutes) Libra: Diadem & Spica Scorpio: Zubenelgenubi & Toliman Sagittarius: Antares & Ras Alhague 2- Example charts (20 minutes) 3- Q&A (20 minutes) Lesson 5: Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces Fixed Stars When: Wednesday March 17, 2021 at 6:00 pm EST 1- The meaning of each star and its influence: (50 minutes) Capricorn: Rukbat Aquarius: Giedi Prima & Sualocin Pisces: Fomalhaut, Achernar & Markab 2- Example charts (20 minutes) 3- Q&A (20 minutes) Choose Your Tuition Rate & Save NOW!