Summer School: Surgical & Medical Management of Stones Guidelines Update

AUAUniversity - A podcast by American Urological Association


To utilize a case-based and interactive approach to highlight key components of the current AUA Guidelines for the Medical and Surgical Management of Kidney Stones. The course will additionally provide updated literature and topics in the management of stone disease which may impact future Guideline statements. During this course, representative basic and complex clinical cases/vignettes will be discussed with the use of data from the comprehensive guidelines to demonstrate critical points. Use of the audience response system and Q/A between cases amongst the faculty and audience members will be critical to the success of the course. Important aspects regarding metabolic evaluation, medical management, preoperative evaluation, imaging techniques, and surgical treatment recommendations (as well as surgical approaches and complications) in adult, pediatric, pregnant, and complex patients will be illustrated. The faculty will also reference the Guideline Statements that provide the framework for their decision-making process. Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to: 1. Interpret metabolic evaluations for patients with kidney stones, based on an understanding of the published guidelines, and provide appropriate therapy. 2. Demonstrate how to increase the use of medications in the prevention of kidney stones, including understanding potential side effects. 3. Apply dietary recommendations for the prevention of stones. 4. Demonstrate the recommended preoperative evaluation for patients considering kidney stone surgery (including laboratory studies and imaging). 5. Formulate a surgical treatment plan for patients with kidney and/or ureteral stones in adult, pediatric, and pregnant patients, including surgical approach and discussion of complications. Hav0cEVY5BzlqG7EvgUE