Satan's Strategies | Part 1

Aus Table Talk | Conversations you wish you could have at church - A podcast by Aus Table Talk - Wednesdays

Deception. Pride. Division. (And a lot of dissing.) These aren’t new ideas—they’ve been in play since the veeery start 👀. Surprise!! The series hasn't finished yet! This week, we’re turning the spotlight on the Enemy 😨. Backtrack with us to the very beginning, starting with Lucifer’s fall, and tracking Satan’s Old Testament techniques he’s used to deceive, divide, and derail God’s (very perfect) plan. How does his playbook evolve? (Does it?) What distracts *us*?? And most importantly, what can we learn to stay on guard? We've got some exposing to do - let’s go! 🔥🔥 Happy listening, everyone! 🎧