#136: Autistic Burnout and Creating Neuro-Affirming Environments with Larissa Minner

Autism Outreach - A podcast by Rose Griffin - Tuesdays


Having an autistic adult on the podcast is always an opportunity to learn how we, as practitioners, can do our best for our clients. Joining me today is Larissa Minner, a passionate and experienced disability rights advocate, speaker, and consultant. Burnout is commonly talked about, and I've even done an episode where we talked about professional burnout in the field. Larissa talks about Autistic Burnout and Neurodivergent Burnout and what that looks like for many individuals. Signs and symptoms of Autistic (or Nuerodivergent) Burnout can include feeling drain in all aspects of life, an increase in executive functional challenges, a lowered coping skill level, regression and loss of skills, brain fog, physical fatigue, mimicking and causing depression/anxiety, and even being a factor involved in suicidal ideation. This causes a lot of problems for autistic individuals, like finding a job or making their way through university. So what can we do? As professionals, we can provide Neuro Affirming Environments. A Neuro Affirming Environment applies to social, emotional, and physical aspects, and Larissa explains some ways to do that without putting the burden on the autistic person. Firstly, use the person's preferred language, whether they prefer Autistic Person or Person with Autism. Also developing language that is not based on a person’s deficit; for example, Larissa uses the term Strategic Explorer to verbalize her preference for routine. Additionally, consider sensory friendly rooms with adjustable lighting and noise accommodations, validations in different listening and communicating skills, and always giving ample warning when it comes to events and changes. Larissa is active in making changes across the field for both autistic children and autistic adults when it comes to healthcare, education, and career opportunities. This is a great conversation that shares some less talked about advocacy for autistic people and encourages professionals to check themselves when it comes to providing compassionate care.  #autism #speechtherapy  What’s Inside:What is Autistic Burnout?What are signs and symptoms of Autistic Burnout?What is a Neuro Affirming Environment?How can providers be Neuro Affirming?Advocacy goals for education, healthcare, and career finding.The importance of preferred language surrounding autism and disabilities. Mentioned In This Episode:You can participate in her ongoing research study at Shape in Healthcare Survey (Healthcare Equality)You can find out more about Larissa and her work at: https://linktr.ee/larissaminner