Autism Awareness

Autism... warts and all - A podcast by Nicola Parker


April is the time for Autism Awareness and like  others, I've been (through the form of social media ) posting on the subject.  I don't suppose I'm alone but I do recognise there's a lot going on in the world right now and that means that we are all preoccupied !  Whilst I feel passionate about the subject being a mother of 2 boys with autism, it doesn't mean that that everyone is, and that's ok! However, if like our family you are affected by autism and/or would like to know more, I'm extending an invitation to you to attend a play this week called "The A Typical Sibling" being performed by a young theatre company called Pound of Flesh.  If you're in or around South London and fancy coming along to watch an example of gig theatre, they'd be thrilled to see you.