Change Your Beliefs One Thought At A Time | Ep. #63

Awaken To Empower with Kay Sanders - A podcast by Kay Sanders

The beliefs you have determined your success or even the lack of it…. It’s true, your beliefs are that powerful because they cause you to act and behave in certain ways, they determine your actions, your decisions, even those that are keeping you stuck in your comfort zone. Consider this for a moment… What do you believe to be of truth? As it relates to your success, making money, accomplishing goals, creating the life of your dreams…. Do you believe it's possible to have all that you want and even more? Whatever thoughts come to mind, are coming from your deep-rooted beliefs of what is possible for you, how deserving and worthy you feel of having what you want, even how easy or how hard success, abundance, money and whatever else you would like to have more of is coming to you. In today’s episode, I talk more about the beliefs that tend to sabotage your success, and how to change your negative and limiting beliefs one thought at a time so you can start creating what you truly want without being in lack or limitation. I share a powerful process that can help you eliminate those limiting beliefs and start embodying new and empowering beliefs that are full of possibilities.