Discover Your Path Through The Oracle Of Your Soul | Ep. #28

Awaken To Empower with Kay Sanders - A podcast by Kay Sanders

Have you ever wondered about who you are? What you are here to do? Or even what is missing in your life that is making you feel anything other than whole? Or maybe you had questions about your business, even questions about your purpose with your business, what it would take to finally create the success, and the income you know you could be making? Each day we come up with so many questions about our life, our purpose, our financial situation, about love, health, relationship, and the list goes on and on. But all these questions often go unanswered which leaves you with even more questions bout how to finally make a positive change so you can feel free, abundant, successful, whole, or whatever else you desire to experience. In today’s episode on the Awaken To Empower Podcast, I talk more about this and we are taking a closer look at how you can discover yourself through the Oracle Of Your Soul, or the Akashic Records.