Embracing The New To Let Go Of The Old | Ep. #112

Awaken To Empower with Kay Sanders - A podcast by Kay Sanders

In order to create and allow something new and better to unfold, you first must let go of the old and outdated, the things that no longer serve you and are only holding you in place. This releasing of the old is neccessary to make room for anything new to come into your life, this can be beliefs, habits, situations, people, circumstances, and just about anything in your life. If you hold on to what is asking to be released, you also end up holding on to your current situation and circumstances in your life. In this episode, I talk more about the importance of letting go and also how you can start uncovering what is asking to be released, and a process to start releasing and letting go to make room for new and better things to unfold in your life. If you would like help in creating a positive change in your life, request an Awaken To Your Power Within Discovery Session to uncover what is holding you back from living your best life full of success, abundance and freedom.