Getting Out Of Your Own Way | Ep. #106

Awaken To Empower with Kay Sanders - A podcast by Kay Sanders

Have you ever gotten in your own way and wondering why? Would you like to just do the things you feel called to do, without worrying, doubting yourself, or even talk yourself out of doing it because it seems just too big, or you don't feel ready? It's so easy to get into your own way and give yourself all sorts of reasons why you couldn't, shouldn't, or wouldn't do what deep down you know would be the right thing to do. In today's' episode I'll talk more about how you can get out of your own way and stand in your power so you CAN do the things you want to do, and most of all, are meant to do. I'll also share some tips on how to feel empowered and stay in alignment whenever your monkey mind is trying to talk you out of following your heart. Because of my 1-year anniversary of my Podcast, I invite you to take advantage of the special 25% discount on all my readings, healing sessions, and activator sessions. Special ends in just a few days. Check it out at here>>>