How To Let Go Of The Past And Embrace The Here And Now | Ep. #10

Awaken To Empower with Kay Sanders - A podcast by Kay Sanders

One thing we all do, some more than others, is to contemplate about what has happened in the past, even the challenges you have experienced leading up to this point. Or you may worry about the future and what might happen. Whether it is about the bills that need to be paid, the clients you are trying to attract, or whether or not you will ever achieve the type of success you are so eager to achieve. The time you spend dwelling on the past or worrying about the future only does one thing… it keeps you out of the present moment, and it keeps you stuck in a loop of worry, fear, doubt, and disconnect. In order to embrace the here and now - the present moment - which is truly the only moment you can affect, you must first let go of the past, and stop worrying about a future that has not been written yet. All this worrying and all the things that have happened in the past are not serving you as you are trying to move forward. All they do is keep you stuck in the past. Your past affects your success in so many ways, from your financial success, the ease of attracting clients, the flow in creating a successful and thriving business, it also affects your overall well-being and your health. In this episode I shed some light onto the power our past has over our success, as well as how to become more present in the moment to embrace the hear and now, instead of dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future. Would you like to find out what ties from your past are affecting your success today? Are you ready to cut these ties and start choosing YOU? Consider a Light Language Healing and Activation Session to discover, and release any blocks, and ties from your past that are ready to be let go of.