Overcome The Fear Of Being Seen [POWERFUL ACTIVATION] | Ep. #60

Awaken To Empower with Kay Sanders - A podcast by Kay Sanders

As entrepreneurs it is vital to be seen in order to become known and allow their soul tribe to find them. But many entrepreneurs are staying hidden out of fear of being seen, of being judged, or maybe even rejected. This can cause many to struggle to fully step into their purpose because without being seen, people can’t find you if they can’t find you, you also don’t have many, if any clients. Which then results in not making the impact you are here to make, struggling to keep your business afloat, and quite frankly, it’s only causing you to doubt yourself, and your ability to ever make the impact you so dearly want to make. In today’s episode, I talk more about this fear of being seen, and how to overcome it. I also share a powerful light language activation to help you release the fear of being seen so that you can go out there and shine your light, attract all those you are meant to support, and make the impact you are here to make.