The Art Of Surrender & Allowing | Ep. #104

Awaken To Empower with Kay Sanders - A podcast by Kay Sanders

Have you tried to surrender, like tried really hard to surrender and let go? Did it work? Or did you notice that even though you had all the intention, and you even though you did surrender and let go, you actually didn't? This is one of the challenges many faces when it comes to manifesting their heart's desire, is to surrender their wishes, their desires to a higher power, to let go of the control of "making it happen", and to trust that all that they want, will come to them when the time is right. Have you ever wondered, "How can I trust in the Universe, an unseen power, to give me what I need? I have to make it happen or it won't come!" Unfortunately, this is you getting in your own way of allowing things to unfold in a way that is to your highest good. And too often, you block what you desire from coming to you because you didn't surrender, you didn't allow, you got into the driver seat and "tried to make it happen" all on your own. In this episode, I talk more about the art of surrender, how to surrender and trust in this higher power, and most of all, how to allow all the good things you want to come to you without getting in the way, without resisting this divine flow to bring to you what your heart desires and even better things you can't yet even imagine.  Quick reminder! Anniversary Special is still going until the end of the month - 25% off on all readings, healing sessions, and activator sessions.