Who Am I To Do This Work | Ep. #40

Awaken To Empower with Kay Sanders - A podcast by Kay Sanders

[Message from the Beings Of Light Included] Have you ever wondered “who are you to do this type of work? To impact and help others?” Unfortunately, too many entrepreneurs struggle with the “Imposter Syndrome”, wondering if they are even good enough, to do the work they are so passionate about, and most of all, to get paid for their work. In today’s episode, I shed some light onto why so many struggle with Imposter Syndrome, how it can affect your success, and what to do to overcome these hurdles that are causing you to hold back, maybe even hide in the shadows, which really are not serving you or all those souls you are meant to work with. If you would like help in moving past your inner, and outer struggles and hurdles, request a complimentary discovery session to discover what is holding you back from fully stepping into your power and making the impact you could be making.