Making The Mundane Miraculous with Sande Hart
Awakening Code Radio - A podcast by KX FM

Author of the book 'The Liminal Odyssey: The Alchemical Power of The Spaces In-Between', Sande Hart shares many insights regarding ways to navigate polarity and duality. In this show, we spoke about practicing reverent listening, cultivating synchronicities, forgiveness, fulfilling our planetary assignment, the Trust Frequency and much more. The word "liminal" literally means "threshold" which perfectly describes where we are on the path of our Awakening. Humanity truly stands at the threshold of sorts, where agendas of control and oppression are being revealed while, at the same time, a sense of both individual sovereignty as well as community are rising and gaining momentum. This is such an exciting time to be alive, for it is proving to be a pivotal moment between freedom and servitude. Now is not the time to passively sit back and see what happens, it is time to create what happens! As synchronicity would have it, Milica Zimonjic our dear friend and long time listener visiting from Maryland added her voice and insight to this in-studio conversation.Helpful links: