Ep 139 :[Part 2 Empowered Hormone Health Series] Why PMS is BS and How to Use Your Cycle Wisdom to Maximize Your Energy
Awakening Women Podcast - A podcast by Leanne Oaten

In Part 2 of this series we're talking about cycle wisdom for women entrepreneurs who want to enhance hormone balance and maximize their energy. If you suffer with "PMS" I invite you to adopt this new way of looking at your cycle and using your body and emotions to guide your life process and business projects. Some of what I cover in this episode: What PMS really is How to begin using your cycle phases to plan your life and business Why you might feel like everything falls apart right before your period Why taking on huge projects of launches in your last phase of our cycle may feel more difficult Best times to launch a product, be more outward and create content, and when to tap into your creativity, self growth, learning and visioning Interested in working with me? Reach out via DM on Facebook or Instagram @leanne.oaten, or send an email to [email protected] Visit my website leanneoaten.com