Episode 09: The Art of Soul-Aligned Success

Awakening Women Podcast - A podcast by Leanne Oaten


Achieving outer success always starts and ends withing each of us. Success is critical to living a meaningful life, and one that feels inspiring, however this definition is going to be different for everyone, becasue we are each here to fulfill our own purpose and destiny. In this episode I cover: Why success is important  The motivational book I am listening to right now that is rocking my world How to define and achieve success on your own terms The exercise that I do on a continuing basis to make sure I am living in alignment with my highest values (what is most important to me).   For values based work and understanding of why knowing your highest values is important John Demartini is the resource I recommend.  For a free worksheet to discover your highest values, be sure to join the Thrive From the Inside Out Facebook group for this and  many more free resources to help you thrive.  Leanneoaten.com