When You Lose Respect for a Man You Also Lose Your Sexual Desire for Him
Awakening Women Podcast - A podcast by Leanne Oaten

Ready to leap into your next level? Register for the Relationship Clarity Bootcamp: leanneoaten.com/claritybootcamp Are you a go-getter, Type- A career or entrepreneurial woman who wants to reach her next level in health, success, business and love? Is your relationship drama holding you back from going after bigger things? Enroll in January 6th 30 Day Private Coaching Immersion: https://leanneoaten.com/etcenrollment Sexual Healing & Intimacy Coaching for Alpha/High Acheiving Women: Book a consultation DIY Courses: New to narcissistic abuse discovery or aren’t sure this is what you’re experiencing? Get my No More Toxic Cycles Class Bundle and break through the fog today: leanneoaten.com/nomoretoxiccycles Connect with me on Social Media: Instagram: www.instagram.com/awakeningwomenofficial/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/awakeningwomenofficial/ Leanne Oaten is a former Registered Professional Counsellor with a background in Counselling Psychology and has over 11 years of experience counselling and coaching women. Over the past 6+ years, she has focused her expertise on educating and helping women identify narcissistic abuse break free from destructive relationships, and transform their lives on the other side of divorce. Her mission is helping successful career-driven, entrepreneurial women and moms who want to reach new levels in their income, success, and health but their destructive, high-conflict relationship is holding them back. You can find out more about her and her offerings at leanneoaten.com