#104 No Church, No Mosque & No Banking Services unless you Vax - Mindwars Meets Awakening
Awakening - A podcast by Roy Coughlan

Another collaboration this week between Mindwars and Awakening podcast.. Sponsor www.coolabulla.com Discount Code Awakening for a 10% Discount Topics covered.. - Telstra telecom says staff must get jabbed (experimented on) or face the sack - https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/thousands-of-workers-will-have-to-get-a-covid-jab-or-face-the-sack/ar-AAO8Zdy?ocid=msedgntp - Italian prime minister considering mandatory jabs for the nation -https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/italian-prime-minister-wants-mandatory-shots-for-all/ - Australian dr.chant says covid and boosters forever - https://summit.news/2021/09/06/dr-chant-covid-will-be-with-us-forever-people-will-have-to-get-used-to-endless-booster-vaccines/ - Sweden bans travellers from Israel - https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/sweden-bans-travelers-from-israel-one-of-the-most-vaccinated-nations_3978811.html/amp - Opioid addiction deals - https://www.irishexaminer.com/opinion/commentanalysis/arid-40373798.html - Qantas pilot speaks out - https://rumble.com/vm6tgd-qantas-pilot-speaks-out-about-vaccine-mandate.html - Nigeria to ban people from worshipping and using the bank - Jimmy Savile and current labour leader Keir Starmer - Rage against the machine to play to only the vaccinated - Connect with Roy: All Episodes can be found at www.awakeningpodcast.org To Subscribe or find our videos https://linktr.ee/awakeningpodcast All other Podcasts + Donation https://bio.link/podcaster Video Can be see at https://www.bitchute.com/channel/y2XWI0VCPVqX/ Connect with Chris: -- - All episodes of Mindwars can be found at https://anchor.fm/mindwars Mindwars Bitchute channel https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Gt4uHP3cjoCt/ www.mindwars.uk All Episode can be found at www.freedombroadcasters.com Please like, share and subscribe to our channels as it really helps getting the message out their and keeping people awake!