#147 The New World Order - Christian Oesch
Awakening - A podcast by Roy Coughlan

Freedom Broadcasters Livestream Tuesday, March 1, 2022 Guest: Christian Oesch Brief Bio: Christian Oesch, is one of the leading Swiss opponents in the instrumentalization of 5G and the Corona agenda. His presentations show how the federal governments and politics are driving this development forward. Join us to learn more about the connection between 5G and Corona, the banking system, government control, why we need to keep an eye on Switzerland and Sweden and more. What we Discussed: - WEF - Digital Passposrts - The War - The Poisoned Dart - Exposing the W.H.O. - Depopulation - The Monetary System - Bio Labs in Ukraine and more https://t.me/TranslatedPressDE Telegram https://t.me/VereinWIR PDFs/Links/URLs from Christian: attached PDF -CCP Chinese Defence Minister Speech attached attached PDF - Preparedness Handbook (Checklist for the most important items) Schweizerischer Verein WIR Website (Christian Oesch, President) https://www.vereinwir.ch Preparedness Handbook (Checklist for the most important items) https://www.vereinwir.ch/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Preparedness-Handbook-2021_www.vereinwir.ch_.pdf What’s Really Behind WHO’s Plan to Create an International ‘Pandemic Treaty?’ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/who-plan-international-pandemic-treaty/?itm_term=home Digital documentation of COVID-19 certificates: vaccination status: technical specifications and implementation guidance, 27 August 2021 https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/343361 Schweiz für globalen Pandemie-Vertrag - Berset eröffnet WHO-Treffen https://www.swissinfo.ch/ger/alle-news-in-kuerze/schweiz-fuer-globalen-pandemie-vertrag---berset-eroeffnet-who-treffen/46644068 WEF - the Forum of Young Global Leaders / YGL Profiles - Search http://www.weforum.org/community/forum-young-global-leaders Chinese Defence Minister Speech PDF https://www.vereinwir.ch/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Chinese-Defence-Minister-Speech.pdf Interview Post on our website: https://www.vereinwir.ch/freedom-international-livestream-usa-with-christian-oesch-switzerland-to-win-without-fighting-is-best-original-english/ More about the Awakening Podcast: All Episodes can be found at www.awakeningpodcast.org All Social Media + Donations link https://bio.link/podcaster Sponsor : http://coolabulla.com Use Discount Code Speaking for a 20% Discount Our Facebook Group can be found at https://www.facebook.com/royawakening