#163 Update on Amazing Grace Killed by the Hospital told by her Dad Scott Schara

Awakening - A podcast by Roy Coughlan

This is an update from Episode #155 About my Guest: Grace’s dad, Scott Schara, is working tirelessly to bring his daughter’s story to all corners of this country, and even across the world to Australia, to help prevent anyone else from going through the pain of losing a loved one at the hands of medical personnel.  More importantly, he hopes Grace’s story will stir people’s hearts to turn to the Lord – the only one who will protect them into eternity.   Grace, a 19-year-old girl with Down syndrome was killed by the actions of unethical medical personnel. Scott had to watch Grace die on FaceTime because he was prevented from being with her in the hospital, and no doctor or nurse would help save her life because of an illegal Do Not Resuscitate order placed on Grace without family consent.   The good news is Grace’s work here on earth isn’t done. It’s only beginning. The love she demonstrated to everyone when she was with us continues to live on through Scott and his family. What we Discussed: - His New Charity - His New Poster Campaign - Light Overcomes Darkness - Record Request got 944 Pages that were missing - The Dr. Putting an Illegal DNR on his daughter - The Last 7 Mins of Grace's Life - Precedex Dangers and the Illegal Use by the Hospital - More Murders in Other Hospitals - How We Get the Whole House of Cards to Come Tumbling Down - Life Insurance Companies Going Bankrupt How to Contact Scott https://ouramazinggrace.net/home ouramazinggrace.substack.com ========================= More about Roy: All Podcasts + Coaching and Social Media https://bio.link/podcaster https://awakeningpodcast.org/ Video https://www.bitchute.com/channel/y2XWI0VCPVqX/