#167 Purpose Driven Impact Maker -Bob De Pasquale
Awakening - A podcast by Roy Coughlan

About my Guest: Everyone has gifts and skills to make the world a better place. We should be radically generous with what have in order to improve the lives of others. The more stories we share about giving, the better place the world will be. How can we empower people to take action with the causes they feel passionate about? Bob had a terrible experience with life-threatening illness and terrorism at age 18. It took months to recover physically and mentally but years to find himself emotionally. Since that time, Bob has dedicated his life using what he has for good. Everyone deserves to experience the joy of giving. What we Discussed: - Purpose driven impact maker - Getting Cancer at 18 - Life is unpredictable - Tapping into your skillset - Corruption in the Financial Industry - His Book 'Personal Finance in a Public World' - Knowing which Charities to use - The fraud with Life Insurance companies and more How to Contact Bob: https://www.bobdepasquale.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobdepasquale/ His Book https://www.amazon.com/Personal-Finance-Public-World-Technology-ebook/dp/B09NSY3ZJC/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3S0OXB17W8XL2&keywords=bob+depasquale+personal+finance+in+a+public+world&qid=1650915534&sprefix=bob+depasq%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-1 ========================= More about Roy: All Podcasts + Coaching and Social Media https://bio.link/podcaster https://awakeningpodcast.org/ Video https://www.bitchute.com/channel/y2XWI0VCPVqX/