#243 Mark Young - The Biohacker’s Choice for full-body Cardiovascular Conditioning

Awakening - A podcast by Roy Coughlan

$50 Discount for my Listeners with Code ROY ( Link should include the discount) Mark Young is CEO of Zona Plus The Zona Plus continues to be the biohacker’s choice for full-body cardiovascular conditioning. The Zona Plus uses the proven science of isometric therapy to lower blood pressure and increase nitric oxide throughout the body – naturally. ==================== Get the Product here https://www.zona.com/discount/ROY This include a $50 Discount for my Listeners ------------------------------------------------ Please consider donating so I may continue to create free content ⁠https://www.podpage.com/speaking-podcast/support/⁠ Speaking Podcast Social Media / Coaching My Other Podcasts ⁠https://bio.link/podcaster⁠ ==================== Bio of Mark Young: With a résumé steeped in business startups and entrepreneurial ventures, Mark Young joined the Zona Health team in 2016 with a single purpose: to make the Zona Plus a household name.To say that Young’s background is diverse would be an understatement, but “one consistent thread ties it all together,”he would say, “and that is a passion for education … delivering practical solutions in a way that invites people in.”And, at ZonaHealth, education is the key to engagement. The Blood Pressure Biohack The Zona Plus continues to be the biohacker’s choice for full-body cardiovascular conditioning. The Zona Plus uses the proven science of isometric therapy to lower blood pressure and increase nitric oxide throughout the body – naturally. Using isometrics, the Zona Plus combines handgrip exercise with a series of algorithms to trigger the body’s parasympathetic response, responsible for such functions as heart rate and blood pressure. Using feedback from your own body, the Zona Pluscreates the perfect workout for each user – each time it is used. It is the ultimate biohack with a systemic benefit. The Zona Plus is a software-controlled device that guides you through a patented handgrip therapy personalized to your unique physiology and is safe and easy to use at home or on the go. Although Young’s credentials are impressive on their own(holding a variety of graduate degrees), he says that it is experience that matters most. Credited for the launch of previous tech startups, Young is no stranger to the world of compliance, marketing, and scalable growth. ==================== What we Discussed: - Guesting on Dave Asprey's Podcast ( 3:40 mins) - Health Care System in US ( 5 mins) - People are not distructing the Medical System ( 8 mins) - How Zona Health Works ( 11: 30 mins) - The Meaning of the 2 Numbers for Blood Pressure ( 24 mins) - Test for Blood Pressure Meds ( 27 mins) - Side effects from the Meds ( 32 mins) - Ensure you liase with your Dr if on Medication ( 34 mins) - FDA classified as an Exercise device (37 mins) - No Side effects and the ages that can use it ( 39 mins) - His humanitarian work ( 45 mins) and more How to Contact Mark Young: https://www.zona.com/discount/ROY https://dateyourclients.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/mmlj25/ =============== Donations  ⁠⁠https://www.podpage.com/speaking-podcast/support/⁠⁠ Speaking Podcast Social Media / Coaching My Other Podcasts + Donations ⁠https://bio.link/podcaster⁠